Thursday, September 10, 2009

Scared of salad

Early on in my 'band life' I had a couple of bad experiences with eating salad...or even a little lettuce, so I have steered clear of it ever since.

But lately I have come across quite a few bandsters who include salads in their every day eats. Anyone else have problems getting lettuce down?
Maybe it was just an early on fluke for me and I will give it another go??


Anonymous said...

I don't have any issues with eating salads but I am picky about the lettuce...I don't do Head Lettuce ( like in the picture ), I usually do Romaine or Bibb or some fancy mixed greens for a salad.

Don't be afraid of the lettuce !

THE DASH! said...

Can't say I've had any bad experiences with lettuce either. Maybe it was just that one time ... give it another go. Let us know how it goes :)