Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hi, I am a major procrasinator

This was SO my workout yesterday!!! I've been working every day in my time between work and school, but yesterday was a school holiday so I kept going back and forth as to whether or not it should constitute a work out day as well.

Slacker, I know!
After putting it off for as long as I could, I finally gave in and went to the gym. It was pretty late and I was quite the tired, so I did only 20 minutes of cardio and spent about the same on weights and then I was out of there.
Yes, it could have been a more intense workout, but I am just concentrating on the fact that I showed up and put in a little effort. Right now, I get points for that...I won't be too hard on myself in the beginning. It's just important that I am developing a schedule for right now...I will concentrate on the details once I have the schedule down.


Tiffani said...

I think you're right.. celebrate the fact that you went.. period. Sometimes I struggle with just that factor and I've been going 4 days a week to meet my trainer for weeeeeks! (months even!) It's a hard habit to form, that's for sure! :)

THE DASH! said...

I really understand how you feel: I struggle also to exercise.. and sometimes, even when we are motivated it can still be hard. I'm not there yet either, but like you, I'm trying. Keep trying, it's more than some people do!

Anonymous said...

I also understand how you feel, I think alot of us struggle with the exercise motivation issues. I am proud of you for going to gym ! I will give you 2 points !