Friday, September 11, 2009

Gurgle, burp and rumble

In the morning my band is always very tight and makes eating or drinking a little bit of a challenge. Before my massage therapy appointment this morning I'd had a few sips of a smoothie and I guess it was just not sitting well with me.

All throughout the massage my belly and throat were making these loud, weird gurgling sounds and I had the burps. I could not stop, or hide it...I was absolutely mortified.

I'd explained the sounds to her and of course she told me not to be embarrassed and to relax and let my body do what it was going to do. That was the longest, tensest massage of my life! I couldn't get upright fast enough!
I am used to having these odd sounds escape my body, but it's usually at home in front of my boyfriend, in the privacy of my office, or lost in the noise of a restaurant...not in the incredible silence of a massage room. I know, I know...get over myself!
I am definitely not eating or drinking anything before my next appointment though!


THE DASH! said...

Ouch! lol Poor you..
Isn't it strange the noises our tummy's now make.. I don't think I've ever burped or gurgled so much in my entire life.. and they are not quiet ones either. Hope your next massage is more fun :)